立意不错有鼓励性本片拍得一般(按“纪录片”“电影”来说的话)没有趣味性但可以一看/97xxo的词源竟然是“来自子宫的疼痛”就……emmmm……/childhoodladylikecomedystage timegoing on the roadconfidence(angry 有一大段但并没有这个小标题)narrativetagline/亮点:韦恩斯坦那段、最后几分钟里历史上出现过的很多脱口秀女演员等等/川普那里有点烦(完全不是针对那位女演员)是很烦近十年的电影电视里失去灵感或节奏不佳的时候采取的万能方法——拉川普来骂一遍(我知道这段主要是说男性能骂女性就也可以)但还是很烦把川普拉出来遛没意思
couldnot say I understand their world and thoughts completely. so messed up but it's like everyone is exploring. better than before the first four seasons. Hanna has a beautiful face a fat body a nice voice and a kick ass attitude but a loser`s life. shoshanna has the eyebrows of